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Site News

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New! My Account page has been redesigned, Dashboard page added

  We have redesigned My Account page to show vital information and be clear and easy to read at the same time. Most often used functions still available from My Account page, while some not-as-often used functions have been moved to new "Dashboard" page.
Click here for more details...

Giveaway! Our partners at ExtremeTerrain are teaming up with Raxiom for an awesome Jeep Lights Giveaway. Check it out and be sure to apply!

Latest fill-ups

Vehicle Fill-Up Date MPG
2024 Hyundai Genesis 02/16/2025 26.258
2016 Jeep Wrangler 02/16/2025 10.467
2012 Hyundai Sonata 02/16/2025 17.933
2015 Honda Civic Hybrid 02/15/2025 45.130
2008 Infiniti G35 02/15/2025 17.111
2013 Ford Fusion 02/15/2025 38.683
2024 Hyundai Genesis 02/15/2025 25.435
2005 Scion xB 02/15/2025 24.652
2014 Ford F150 02/15/2025 13.546
2012 Hyundai Sonata 02/14/2025 24.115

Gas Mileage Research Tools

We have plenty of MPG lookup and research tools at your service. Some of them are described below.
Please check out full list of tools always available for you from left-hand menu.

Click here to find out your vehicle's EPA MPG ratings now

Looking to buy a used vehicle but not sure what to choose?
See top 10 vehicles with best and worst fuel economy by year and class/category

Decided on make and model you want but not sure what year to choose?
Click here to see miles per gallon ratings changes year by year for desired car or truck
Sometimes you can pay a bit more and buy one year newer vehicle with improved fuel economy to save money every fill-up. The choice is yours.


Tip of the month

How do I improve my vehicles MPG?

There are couple of easy steps you can take to improve MPG.

  1. First of all, know your current MPG! If you don't - there is no way to find out if any tune-up or change in driving style helped or not.
  2. Keep your vehicle maintenance up to date.
  3. If you notice unexpected drop in MPG - have your vehicle checked by your mechanic right away .....

.....Read More

Joke of the month

A blonde (B) is taking driving lessons, and instructor (I) asks her
I: Do you know what does "breaking with your engine" means?
B: Sure I do, but this term is not 100% correct!
I: Why is that?
B: Well, that's because in fact you first break with your bumper, then with your radiatior, and only after that you break with your engine!

Know a good joke? Please send it to us