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EPA MPG Data Lookup - Select Vehicle

Model Displacement Num of cyl Engine Desc Transmission Drive System
CR-V 2WD 2.4 4 Auto(A5) FWD
CR-V 4WD 2.4 4 Auto(A5) A

Small SUV 4WD - Honda CR-V 4WD
City MPG Rating


Highway MPG Rating


Combined MPG Rating


User's Average MPG Rating 13.047 Miles Driven By Users 19,427 Show Vehicles
City MPG Rating (sticker) 0 Highway MPG Rating (sticker) 0 Combined MPG Rating (sticker) 0
Unadjusted City EPA MPG 28.242 Unadjusted Highway EPA MPG 41.646 Unadjusted Combined EPA MPG 33.025
Engine 2.4L 4 cyl Naturally Aspirated 4 valves per cyl
Fuel Type Gasoline (Regular Unleaded Recommended)
Transmission Auto(A5) Automatic
Drive System A

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