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  •  » Now every car or truck has it's own photo gallery!

#1 2008-03-12 04:38:58

support team
Registered: 2007-06-21
Posts: 201

Now every car or truck has it's own photo gallery!

That's just it, you can upload as many or as few photos of your car as you want.

Installed new CAI or WAI, new drop, got new paint job done - we want to see photos!

Rating for gallery photos is coming up soon too, so everybody will be able to give you high five on your photos!



#2 2008-03-13 01:52:48

New member
Registered: 2008-03-10
Posts: 2

Re: Now every car or truck has it's own photo gallery!

What is the required format and resolution for uploaded photos?



#3 2008-03-18 15:39:53

support team
Registered: 2007-06-21
Posts: 201

Re: Now every car or truck has it's own photo gallery!

Image files should be in JPEG or GIF format, we will proportionally resize them up to 75 by 75 for thumbnails and up to 260 by 260 for large image. So 640x480 will be resized to 75x56 for thumbnail and 260x195 for large, 480x640 will be resized to 56x75 and 195x260, and 1024x768 will be resized to same sizes of 75x56 and 195x260 as it's just 1.6 times large than 640x480 but has same proportions.

As to the source image - please be cautious when uploading huge images - like couple megabytes - as they go up pretty slow but our system will still accept and resize them.


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