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Topic review (newest first)

support team
2009-05-14 16:45:21

You are welcome!

Thanks for the kind words and have a great day!

2009-05-13 22:15:52

Very Cool guys!  Works great!  Thanks for the great support.  I have already passed this site on to many friends so they can tracl things too.  I used to keep a log book for all my vehicles, but this is much easier.  I look forward to future enhancements!

support team
2009-05-13 16:36:48

Dear johnseybert,

We have added a feature to recalculate all MPG values for a vehicle.
Please go to the dashboard page for your vehicle and click on the "Recalculate all MPG Values" link in the Fill-ups section. Clicking on that link will cause our site to recalculate MPG values for all fill-up records for your vehicle.

Have a great day and drive safely!

support team
2009-05-04 20:26:34

Dear johnseybert,

Thank you for reporting the issue.
We will create a function to recalculate mileage for a vehicle within a week. We will post back when it becomes available.

Thanks and have a great week!

2009-05-03 14:03:38

I just imported some data for one of my vehicles.  When I imported, I checked the box for the recalculation, but upon import, none of the values calculated the MPG.  When I went into some individual records to modify the Highway/City percent, it recalculated those entries, but the rest have not updated.  Is there an easy way to do this?

Thanks for the great site!

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