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Topic review (newest first)

support team
2010-06-14 20:57:40

Dear ramik,

Thank you very much for reporting the issue.
We have found and fixed a code problem, and import now works correctly.

Please retry your import when you get a chance.

Again, thanks a lot for reporting the problem and have a great week!

2010-06-14 09:31:38

I am trying to import Maintenance Log, but it is giving an error
  "Sql error has occured"

here is the sample data, save in CSV and try to import:

date,comments,total cost,service
2002-10-19,Assicurazione SAI,1076.43,Other
2002-11-01,Busola Navigator,5.00,Other
2002-11-13,Bollo 09/2002 - 08/2003,154.97,Other
2003-06-05,Assicurazione Europe Ass.,45.90,Other

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