There are 3 easy ways to record your fill-up
1. Write
down your vehicle's mileage on the gas station receipt and when you are
home - login to and record it. If this sounds like too much
work - read on
2. If
your cell/pda phone has Internet access - you can record your fill-up
right from your phone by logging to while you still in your
car at a gas station.
3. If
your phone does not have Internet access - you can still record your
fill-up from your cell phone right from gas station.
Just send us SMS
to number 32075(*) with following message: Mpg 12345 3.299 12.599 - where 12345 is miles
on vehicle at the time of fill-up, 12.599 is number of gallons and
3.299 is a price per gallon you paid.
To easily input all the numbers
you can use # instead of space and * instead of period (.). In the case
of the message above instead of Mpg 12345 3.299 12.599
your may type Mpg 12345#3*299#12*599
Please make sure you put space
after word Mpg. Also letter case does not matter for word Mpg itself,
you can type Mpg or mpg or MpG or mPg, and any other way you can come
up with...
We recommend you add number 32075 as MPG Tune contact to
your cell phone contact list to make it easier. You already have plenty
of numbers to remember, you don’t need one more, do you?
We do not charge you for sending us SMS, but your wireless carrier may
charge you a fee per each SMS sent or received based on your plan, be
sure to check your plan first.